2 Tips to Avoid Overwhelm

2 Tips to Avoid Overwhelm

Let’s face it-life can be overwhelming and when we are not clear on our priorities, life can feel completely unmanageable.

During a really tough period with my mental health, the majority of my days felt vert overwhelming.

As I started therapy/medication, I acquired better ways to manage feelings of overwhelm and I found two practices to be EXTREMELY helpful in allowing me to stop taking on more than I want to handle. 

Tip 1: Determine your Priority in this Season

There’s a lot of talk across the internet about your “why” and to sum it up for you- your why is basically your purpose statement. It’s why you live life the way that you do & where your priorities lie.

When we are not aligned with our why, it becomes really easy to be blown off course and to become overwhelmed. 

I believe our why pretty much stays the same, but our primary focus may change based on the season of life that we are in. During some seasons, our priority might be family building, during another it could be career growth.

When we are not clear on our why and the priorities in this season of life, we can quickly become distracted chasing shiny objects that we don’t truly care about or we may begin taking every single opportunity that comes our way even if doesn’t truly align with what we want. 

Before making any decision (buying a house, adding a pet, taking a promotion, etc.), measure the choice against your why/priorities at this time in your life.

Is this decision leading you in the right direction? Does it allow you to focus on your UNIQUE priorities yes, GO FOR IT!  If not, let it go. 

Another question to ask yourself is “will this still matter to me in 5 years?”

Tip 2: Do what makes you joyful

Adult responsibilities can quickly fill in all of our free time, leaving us with little to no room to do the things that truly bring us joy. 

For a period of time, I stopped doing the things that brought me joy, because I felt that I didn’t have time. 

Although we all have limited time, we can be creative in order to fit true JOY in our lives. 

Get up 10 minutes earlier in the morning to read a new book, start taking a daily walk or begin writing short stories again.

Chase whatever brings you true joy and allows you to be your most authentic self.

I designed the new libbey glass with this in mind. Do what makes you joyful. 

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