4 Quick and Easy Ways to Fit Self-Care Into Your Busy Life

4 Quick and Easy Ways to Fit Self-Care Into Your Busy Life

Before starting on this new journey of self-care and wellness, I did not have an appreciation for self-care. It was just a buzzword that people used when they did a facemask or bought some new clothes. I didn’t see what all the hype was about.

I was missing out on the most important aspect of self-care, it’s not just about physical health.

According to a definition from Harvard, “self-care means paying attention to and supporting one’s own physical AND mental health.” So while I neglected taking care of me, my mental health deteriorated as well.

Self-care is super important. It’s also one of the things that is furthest down on our priority list. We have jobs, families, significant others, and possibly children that require our time and attention.

The easiest thing to take off our to-do list is spending time on ourselves. I get it. I’ve been there.

But, I am here to tell you to invest in yourself. You are not being selfish. You are pouring into your cup so you can then pour into everyone else's’

But how can you find the time to take care of you when just meeting your daily demands is hard enough? I have 4 quick and easy self-care ideas to help you get started.

1. Move your body!

This doesn’t technically mean exercise! So before you go running in the other direction, let me explain. I used to absolutely despise physical activity. The thought of going for a run was enough to make me cringe, let alone actually doing it.

But taking care of your mental and physical health starts with taking care of your body and doing something just for you! The biggest game-changer for me was when I finally started to take 20 minutes a day to do something active.

If you are like me and absolutely HATE exercise, I want you to start small. For starters, do not even commit to “working out.” Commit to taking a daily walk. 

Go for a walk around the block. Meet up with a friend and walk with them. Take your child out for a walk during the day. Getting outside and moving your body is one of the ultimate forms of self-care.

If you seriously have no way to fit a walk into your day or just don’t feel like you can even commit to that right now (I totally get that!) then try being intentional throughout the day.

Park further away from the grocery store and get in some extra steps. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Every little bit counts!

2. Wake up 10 minutes earlier

I know some of you just cringed at this one. I am seriously not a morning person, so I totally feel you on that.

But I’ve also learned the hard way that rushing through my morning does not put me in a good headspace and certainly does not give me time to practice any self-care.

Before you wake up to begin rushing through your day, give yourself time to focus on you. Use those 10 minutes to meditate, read a book or even just lay in bed and prepare yourself mentally for the day ahead. Write down the things you are thankful for or have a cup of coffee.

Those 10 minutes should be used for YOU. Not to put in a load of laundry, scoop cat litter, or pack your child’s lunch.

This time is yours. So relax and enjoy it. Plus, this was time you spent sleeping before, not being productive. So no excuses on why you can’t be focused on yourself!

3. Do things that bring you joy

Remember when you were a kid, free to pursue your passions/interests? What did you do for pure enjoyment back then that you have given up now? Are there hobbies you’ve stopped? Friendships that you’ve stopped making time for?

I gave up so many things that I loved to do because I was constantly running around, trying to live up to my own expectations of what I should be accomplishing and how my home should look.

But guess what? The dirty floors will still be there tomorrow and it doesn’t make you a bad person for not getting to them. Your laundry will still be there. It will be ok if you order takeout tonight. Give yourself a break!

By giving yourself a break sometimes, you can make time to do the things that bring you true joy. Get your camera back out again. Meet up with a friend. Sew, craft, create. Do anything and everything.

Find the things that you enjoyed as a kid and do them again. Part of self-care is giving yourself room to engage in the things that refuel you.

4. Learn to say no

In order to make time for the things that feed your soul, you have to learn to say no. My immediate reaction when someone asks to get together or needs a favor from me is to reply with a yes! But by always saying yes to others, I was essentially always telling myself no.

I still get together with friends/family and help out when I can, but I’ve also learned to recognize when I need time to myself. So before you automatically say yes to someone else, when was the last time you said yes to you? If you don’t know the answer to that question, it’s time to start creating some space in your day.

In a book that I recently read called Soulful Simplicity by Courtney Carver, she refers to this as “the art of no-ing.”

She has these suggestions if you struggle to say no:

  1. Keep it short- No is a complete answer. You do not need to give a long, drawn-out explanation. Say no with gratitude and move on. Courtney suggests using a phrase such as “No thank you. I appreciate you thinking of me, but I have another commitment.”

  2. Be clear- Don’t say “I’ll think about it” if you know that you really want to say no (I’m personally guilty of this one). If you want to say no, then do it. If you want to make that time commitment then say yes.

  3. Dump the guilt- It’s ok to say no and protect your time. You will still make time for friends/family and be there when they need you. It’s ok to take time for you too! We all need it.

If you are interested in reading this book, I highly recommend it. You can purchase it on Amazon HERE!

Self-care is about both your physical and mental wellbeing. I hope these tips were helpful and that you take the time to do something for yourself today!

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