My favorite time of year is almost here..summer! I love the warm weather, bonfires, and days spent completely outdoors.
As much fun as summer can be, it can also be packed full of obligations-weddings, graduation parties, family cookouts and more can quickly fill in our schedules leaving us to ask “did I do anything for myself this summer?”
But really, that could be said for any season as they each bring their own sources of obligations and busyness.
During the Christmas season, my therapist recommended that I make a list of the things that I was looking forward to doing. After realizing how helpful it was to write down the things that would bring me joy, I decided to implement this as part of my own routine with the changing of the seasons.
I want to encourage you to do the same!
Sit down with your favorite notebook and think through each of these questions.
- What am I looking forward to doing this season (summer,fall, winter,etc)
- What activities bring me joy in the summer?
After making your list, I recommend actually writing some of these activities into your calendar so that you make sure to save time for them and actually make it happen. Plus, it’ll give you something to look forward to!
Your list can be super specific or more vague. Some of the items on my list include:
-plant a garden
-go kayaking on the lake
-watch the sunset
-go camping
-re-do the kitchen table
-eat at the outdoor deck at the restaurant near our house
I hope these ideas brought you inspiration and reminded you to seek joy in every season.
Happy summer everyone!